Video clip control center

Fast Video Cataloger isn’t just for keeping your collection organized. It can also be used to play any of the videos in your collection. The program comes with its own internal video player that can do any of the things a normal video player can do. Don’t...

Get your video collection in order inside a catalog

Creating a New Catalog in Fast Video Cataloger Fast Video Cataloger permits users to manage vast collections of videos in a single catalog. The program also has an additional feature, allowing you to manage multiple catalogs. The uses are unlimited. An example of this...

Your video clip collection into an organized video catalog

Adding Videos in Fast Video Cataloger A key task in Fast Video Cataloger is adding videos. To add videos, you will use the Add Videos window. As windows can be closed, if the Add Videos window is not visible, this window can be opened by clicking on Windows, clicking...

Never a broken video clip link – Using the Repair Tool

Making sure all links are intact A lot of times while cleaning up our computer files, we tend to move things around. If you are in your documents and intact links in your video collection you move a video from one folder to the next the path will become broken. This...