by admin | Apr 1, 2014 | Best practice
I’ll show you the three steps to find a video clip in a large video file collection, and the easiest way to organize your video files. Quickly and without pain! Fast video cataloger is the perfect tool for the job, it will help you find videos quicker than ever...
by admin | Mar 29, 2014 | Best practice
My name if Fredrik Lönn and I am the author of the Fast video cataloger program. I want to share how I go about setting up a new video catalog from scratch. I’ll also share some tips that will lead to you having a searchable and fast video thumbnail catalog of your...
by admin | Mar 11, 2014 | News
Videostorm Sweden AB has released Fast Video Cataloger 3, the third generation of their video asset management system. Fast Video Cataloger 3 is a control centre for video clips with easy integration to editing tools, video players and internet services. Large video...
by admin | Mar 10, 2014 | Blog
The user interface in Fast video cataloger is key to how you can work efficient with videos. In the first version of the program the interface was fixed. This was setup how I prefer to have my windows arranged. Problem was that my preference is not necessary yours. To...
by admin | Mar 6, 2014 | Features
We have just finished the testing of Fast Video Cataloger 3 and plan to release it early next week, a new trial version will be available on tuesday and we will update this web site with info about the new version. In the next couple of days I will do a few posts...