How to share a video catalog over the internet

In Fast video Cataloger 7 we have added the ability to share a video catalog across a windows network or over the internet. It is easy, and you follow the wizard.

web server for videos

When sharing over the internet, you first need to have a web server setup and configured. There are plenty of guides for how to set that up on the internet. If you don’t have a web server already we recommend iis that comes with Windows or the Apache server. We use the Apache version that is distributed with Bitnami. After you have installed the server, make sure it is working and connect to it. Start with localhost and then try from a remote computer. If you don’t have a working web server, the videos will not play, but you will be able to browse the catalog and search. All metadata is loaded using the Fast video cataloger server and not the webserver. The webserver is only used for loading videos and companion images (and if you are using the generated web pages).
Videos need to be at the root of the webserver. The catalog you share should only have videos that are in the root of the webserver. The catalog file you share should not be in the root of the webserver.


You share a catalog if you want other users to access it, perhaps at the same time as you are. This is how you create a shared video library for your entire company or a project.

You can stop the server and work on it again as a local catalog if no other user needs access.

When you share a catalog, other users can add videos or photos to the catalog. When they add videos, the video files are indexed locally and then uploaded over the Fast video cataloger service. Loading videos and images are done directly through a windows share while all metadata is accessed over the Fast video cataloger service.

Download the latest version of Fast video cataloger. If you have an older version, you will need to update to version 7 as that is the first version that has support for sharing a catalog over the internet.