Adding Videos in Fast Video Cataloger A key task in Fast Video Cataloger is adding videos. To add videos, you will use the Add Videos window. As windows can be closed, if the Add Videos window is not visible, this window can be opened by clicking on Windows, clicking...
Fast Video Cataloger is reviewed at the find my soft web site. Update 2022, this post refers to a review of the 2013 version of the software. Much has happened since this was written. If you want to read more recent feedback and reviews of the software have a look at...
Series of captured video clip frames The quick overview possibility is part of the core in Fast Video Cataloger, this window is where all features connected to the captured frames lives. The Video Scene Window is a multi-purpose interface for interacting with your...
Making sure all links are intact A lot of times while cleaning up our computer files, we tend to move things around. If you are in your documents and intact links in your video collection you move a video from one folder to the next the path will become broken. This...
Keyboard shortcuts might seem a geeky thing to know but it in fact one of the easiest way to improve your efficiency in front of your PC. Since I am writing about it here I off course mean to bring the shortcuts of Fast Video Cataloger to your attention. I promise...
The age of information and data is putting pressure on us all to consume and understand as much data as possible as fast as possible. This hard fact push the evolution of the means of communicating information to a time when text is no longer the obvious king of...
Fast Video Cataloger in the future of video I have read a lot in IFTF report, “The future of video: Becoming the people of the screen” and browsed around their Prezi presentation to go with it “Map of opportunities” and it is very perceptive. I know it is old but it...
Fast Video Cataloger 2 is launching Download now The new and improved Fast Video Cataloger 2 is here, it is your control centre for all video related tasks. Fast Video Cataloger 2 is a video clip management software for Windows designed to handle thousands of files...
The Scene search window allows you to search for specific scenes in all of the videos in your catalog. The result shows up in the Scene Search Results window. This window is very similar to the common video scene window but it shows the video scenes that match...
Adding actors to video is as simple as dragging an actor from the actors window to the cast window. The dragged actor will be set to all the selected videos in the “video catalog” window. Note that it is possible to select more than one video at a time. Tip: A good...