Playing and Editing video collections in Fast Video Cataloger

Fast and Easy Video Playing The integrated player is a powerful feature in Fast Video Cataloger. Using the integrated player, playing your videos is fast and easy. We recommend using the integrated player because it enables you to continue managing your videos while...

Keywords for easy navigation in your video collection

Adding Keywords to Your Videos in Fast Video Cataloger A core feature in Fast Video Cataloger is keywording. This feature permits users to associate relevant keywords with videos in the collection. The keywords, also known as tags, help find videos by enabling you to...

Your video clip collection into an organized video catalog

Adding Videos in Fast Video Cataloger A key task in Fast Video Cataloger is adding videos. To add videos, you will use the Add Videos window. As windows can be closed, if the Add Videos window is not visible, this window can be opened by clicking on Windows, clicking...

Never a broken video clip link – Using the Repair Tool

Making sure all links are intact A lot of times while cleaning up our computer files, we tend to move things around. If you are in your documents and intact links in your video collection you move a video from one folder to the next the path will become broken. This...