by fredrik lonn | Jul 28, 2017 | Features, News
A new version of fast video cataloger is available today to download from Fast video cataloger 4.4 is a program that makes it easy to create a local video clip database. Small to medium sized companies no longer have to manage and...
by robert | Dec 14, 2013 | Blog
I stumbledupon this wonderful infograph on the numbers of youtube. It is amazing how fast youtube is growing its video clip content. Great work by Infographic by
by robert | Sep 29, 2013 | Blog
Fast Video Cataloger is an extremely easy program to use, the interface is very simple. You may need to get things done much faster than simple clicks will allow. That’s why Fast Video Cataloger uses keyboard shortcuts to aid in ease of use and makes your...
by robert | Aug 14, 2013 | Blog
Adding actors is quite simple and there are three ways you can do this. Actors don’t only have to be people they can be whatever you want. The easiest way to add a new actor is to click on control and Q (CTRL+Q) at the same time and this will pop up your “Add new...
by robert | Aug 4, 2013 | Blog
One of the most favorite features of Fast Video Cataloger is the ability to create actors. These are like “super tags” that you can use to organize your video collection, not actual people. Actors are an easy way to quickly find all your favorite videos and navigate...