Search your video file collection

Search, browse, find and play all your movie clips with the leading desktop video search software. Get your video clips organized without wasting days


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No addware, No spyware, Continously updated for more than 10 years – Safe to download for Windows

Picture yourself searching your media clip collection for beach shots of places you visited. The search capabilities of the FVC video search software let you be done in seconds instead of hours

All Videos!

Catalog all your videos in no time at all. FVC automatically scans your downloaded video files and order them in your offline and personal catalog.

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Try the new way to bring order to your video chaos. No monthly costs. No Internet connection needed. FVC is easy to setup and use for anyone

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Effortlessly glide through your entire video archive! Play from thumbnails or from start. Access all your videos in a searchable and visualized catalog with our desktop video search software.

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The flexible and modular layout lets you change the interface as you see fit.

While playing your safari footage, you can put the built-in player on top in a widescreen mode while quickly zapping between videos or you might use the fullscreen mode to enjoy each moment to the full extent.

Use this setup to let video scene thumbnails fly by on the right while you step through video clips in a rapid speed. This is very handy when you need to quickly overview tons of videos to find specific footage from Costa Rica. 



organized film

Browse >10000 videos?

Fast Video Cataloger uses the real power of your own PC which makes it faster than any server or cloud video asset management system can ever hope to be. Let us help you with your large video clip collection. Imagine scanning through hundreds of files, becoming an effortless task

video search software

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Try FVC now and get your video clip collection indexed for free. We support mpg, mpeg2, mpeg4, avi, qt, rt, wmv, flv and almost all video clip formats. The program has been in constant development for more than 10 years, and we have no plans to stop.

Instantly find scenes in your videos

FVC automatically creates evenly spaced thumbnails for each clip to assist in searching through large collections of video clips on your PC in the fastest possible way. You can have all your videos organized without effort. We support video clips on your PC, External hard drives, USB sticks, DVDs, and Dropbox.
