by fredrik lonn | Aug 25, 2020 | Features
Introduction Here is a very high overview of the technology we have used to build Fast Video Cataloger. The goal has always been to provide a video content management system for Windows with great performance. Main application The main application is written in C#...
by fredrik lonn | Apr 23, 2020 | Scripts
TMDB (The Movie DataBase ) is a large open internet database you can use to search for movies, tv shows, and people in movies. It also has a web API. Fast video cataloger is a software to organize video clips so you can quickly search, browse, and find what you are...
by fredrik lonn | Sep 26, 2019 | Blog, Scripts
Custom video solution If you want to develop a custom video solution in Fast video cataloger you will need a user interface. This article will show you how to build a WPF user interface in a Fast video cataloger script. What is WPF WPF stands for Windows Presentation...