Running Fast Video Cataloger scripts in the background

Running scripts in the background Normally, when you run a script in FVC, it runs on the UI thread. This allows you to create your own user interface if needed. FVC will run your script and be paused until it has finished running. However, if you want to run a longer...

Scripting with Fast video cataloger

Fast video cataloger has support for automating and extending the software through C# scripting. Scripting in Fast video cataloger is extremely powerful but it can be a bit intimidating if you have no previous experience from scripting. We prepared a guide to help you...

Using web browser from scripts

Using a web browser in Fast video cataloger The start/help window in Fast video cataloger is a web browser. It uses the chromium embedded framework and you can access and use it easily from scripts. You get the browser interface from the standard scripting interface...

Add keywords from video filename

Have you ever wanted to create keywords based on the filename of a video? With the scripting support in Fast video cataloger, this is actually pretty easy. Here is a sample script to do just that, create keywords from the filename or path of a video. The provided...

Search for video file name

How to search for a video file in a catalog Here is a short sample script to search for a video file in the catalog given a filename. Simply use the search api and provide the VideoQueryProperties. FilePath is a part of the video path you are searching for. If the...

Video web search in Fast video cataloger

I will show you how to access the web browser in Fast video cataloger to easily integrate a web search with your video catalog. In Fast video cataloger 6.31 we opened up the integrated web browser in Fast video cataloger for scripting. If you are on an older version...