by fredrik lonn | Sep 12, 2021 | Features
Today we made a quick tutorial on how to use colors for video keywords in Fast Video cataloger, In Fast video cataloger you can assign colors to video keywords to help you find the keywords quicker. You can also group keywords by...
by fredrik lonn | Dec 19, 2020 | Scripts
Have you ever wanted to create keywords based on the filename of a video? With the scripting support in Fast video cataloger, this is actually pretty easy. Here is a sample script to do just that, create keywords from the filename or path of a video. The provided...
by robert | Aug 1, 2018 | Blog
Keywording Tagging videos and video scenes with keywords is a powerful way to make your video collection more browsable and searchable. There are muliple ways of adding keywords and in this video we look at tagging video and scenes one at a time. Keywording Layout...