by robert | Jan 28, 2018 | Features
The fifth generation of Fast Video Cataloger, FVC5 has finally arrived and is available for trial or download. This is a very big deal as you will find out when you test it! We are so very proud, and we hope you will like it as much as we do. So what is all the fuss...
by fredrik lonn | Jan 4, 2018 | Features
Fast Video Cataloger 5 gets extensive video scripting and automation support The release of Fast video cataloger 5 is getting closer. Today I want to talk about perhaps the biggest and most powerful feature we have ever added to the program. This is not for everyone...
by fredrik lonn | Jan 2, 2018 | Features
As of today you can signup to get early access to the new Fast Video cataloger 5. Please help spread the word. UPDATE: Fast video cataloger 5 is released and can be downloaded from the download page.
by fredrik lonn | Jan 2, 2018 | Features, News
Fast Video Cataloger 5 – with new extended video properties The release of Fast video cataloger 5 is getting closer, and today I want to share one of our more frequently requested features. One that we have added to the next release of program: extended video...
by fredrik lonn | Jan 1, 2018 | Features, News
Video cataloger 5 lets you do video keywording in color. Fast video cataloger 5 is not far from being released and it has lots of small and big improvements. Today I will share a bit about what we have improved with keywords, search and color. Update: Fast video...
by fredrik lonn | Dec 27, 2017 | Features
When we release Fast video cataloger 5 (soon) it will be a 64 bit video program. Fast video cataloger 5 has now been released and is available for download from here But, what is a 64 bit video program? What is the difference between a 64 bit and a 32 bit program and...