Fast video cataloger 3.20 released

After some external testing and a few last minute fixes I have just uploaded the 3.20 version of Fast video cataloger. This is a free update for all customers, just download and use your previous serial key. There are two main new features in this version, the video...

Video player that helps you focus on work

The integrated video player helps you focus on your work. We want you to keep using your favourite player for watching movies and use our built in player while working. We have added cool new features like saving specific video frames as jpeg images and flexible...

Quick introduction to our new Fast Video Cataloger 3

We have changed the visual look and feel with the arriving of Fast Video Cataloger 3 to make users of other professional video tools feel at home. I will walk you through the most important improvements in more details soon but first a quick introduction. The...

Video of Fast Video Cataloger 3

I put together this quick video of fast video cataloger 3 to show what it looks like to our newcomers. Download and try for yourself, it will save you time. How would a structured video library affect your business? Tweet