The powerful video player in Fast video cataloger

The internal video player Fast video cataloger has a built-in video player that lets you quickly play videos from the time of the thumbnails. The internal video player is part of your layout, and can be configured to your needs. The video player can be configured in...

Auto layouts and companion images from video folders

Fast video cataloger is available to download from We added a new function to automatically select a layout when you either play a video or select a new video. This is very useful if you have limited screenspace. When you play a...

Recommended Video Tools

Since we are developing a video cataloging software we are also getting a bunch of video related questions. These are often questions that require other software packages to get the job done. Here I have collected a bunch of our most frequently asked questions about...

New version soon…

Its been close to 5 months now since we did the latest update to Fast video cataloger. That is quite a while but I can assure you the Fast video cataloger software is still very much alive. We have just finished the testing of the lastest version and you can expect it...

Using Your Movie Collection for Inspiration

You know that problem, when your video collection grows to over a thousand videos? And it becomes next to impossible to remember each and every video file in your collection? Seeking inspiration from movie file discovery Keyword search is fine if you know what...