A new version of Fast video cataloger is now available from the download page

Search – Exclude keywords

You can now exclude videos matching keywords from the search result. You find this option in the search window below the keywords. This excludes filter works on the set of filtered videos. For example, when you search for all videos matching an actor you can exclude videos that have specific keywords. If you search for a keyword and exclude that keyword, the exclusion will take priority.

Search – Actors

The actor search now supports search on Actor Bio and Actor Link.

The Actor window now only load visible portraits to save memory for catalogs with lots of actors. And, we extended the script API with a new SearchActor() function. Make sure to check out our previous blog post on how to write a script to import actors from an external movie database.


Talking about scripting. we updated Console writing so it can be done from any thread in a script, for example from a browser callback. I also added some more documentation on the exposed browser. We will write a more detailed post on how you can use it later but it is all working in the current build if you want to try it. Running scripts from an action button always gave an error message, this is fixed.

Meta data in files is faster

Writing metadata to video files (enable from the metadata preference page) is now done in a background thread and is faster.

Video player

We fixed an issue when you clicking on the seek bar while a video was playing and that click was ignored. There were scaling issues when using the vmr9 video player could happen if there was a big difference between the video aspect ratio and the window aspect ratio. Changed order of vmr7 and vmr9 in the preferences ( The recommendation is still to prefer the direct option )