How to find duplicate video files

Duplicate video files (exact copies of a file stored in different folders ) not only occupy unnecessary disk space, but also makes it harder to have an organized video collection. Additionally if you add meta data to only one copy of the video, that data is not shared...
Save time with Fast video cataloger

Save time with Fast video cataloger

The next new feature in Fast video cataloger will save you time when you are using a computer with one monitor like a laptop. You can download the program from The user interface in Fast video cataloger is highly customizable. Almost...

Countdown to Fast video cataloger 3

We have just finished the testing of Fast Video Cataloger 3 and plan to release it early next week, a new trial version will be available on tuesday and we will update this web site with info about the new version. In the next couple of days I will do a few posts...

Keywords for easy navigation in your video collection

Adding Keywords to Your Videos in Fast Video Cataloger A core feature in Fast Video Cataloger is keywording. This feature permits users to associate relevant keywords with videos in the collection. The keywords, also known as tags, help find videos by enabling you to...

Video clip control center

Fast Video Cataloger isn’t just for keeping your collection organized. It can also be used to play any of the videos in your collection. The program comes with its own internal video player that can do any of the things a normal video player can do. Don’t...