Using a web browser in Fast video cataloger

The start/help window in Fast video cataloger is a web browser. It uses the chromium embedded framework and you can access and use it easily from scripts.

You get the browser interface from the standard scripting interface

var browser = scripting.GetBrowser();

This is a standard chromium (chrome) browser interface and the official documentation can be found here:

To open a web site in the browser you would simply write:
browser.Address = "";

And here is a full example:

using System.Runtime;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using VideoCataloger;
using VideoCataloger.RemoteCatalogService;
class Script
  static public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Run ( IScripting scripting, string arguments ) 
    var browser = scripting.GetBrowser();
    browser.Address = "";

The use of the browser has almost endless possibilities. You can use it to present information and info from your scripts, you can fetch data from other systems or even create custom user interfaces.