Fast video cataloger 9.0.1 is now available for download.

Simply start FVC and click update to download the latest version. This version is a service release that fixes the following issues in 9.0.0

  • If all bins where removed the bin window was not refreshed to be empty.
  • Top menus should adjust to smaller window sizes better and expand to two rows of buttons.
  • Refresh had an issue if the bin window selection was set to the catalog window, this could in some cases lead to changed selections.
  • If two columns in the catalog window had the same extended property the program could crash.
  • Selection in playlist was lost on refresh.
  • Underscore in Bin names should now work.
  • If a path to a video was replaced with an empty string the repair video tool would not find it.
  • Saved searches did not set transcript search sentence