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VideoCatalogService Namespace

This namespace is the direct interface to the videocataloger database backend. Throught his interface its possible to directly query and change the catalog.
Public classActor Actor data
Public classActorCompanionImage Actor companion image data
Public classActorQuery Actor Query data. These are basically the entries you would enter in the search dialog in the program.
Public classActorQueryProperties Actor Query properties
Public classArchive Archive data
Public classBin Bin used for videos.
Public classCoverImage Cover image data
Public classExtendedProperty 
Public classExtendedPropertyVideoValue 
Public classExtendedVideoQuery Video Query search result data
Public classGlobalErrorBehaviorAttribute 
Public classGlobalErrorHandler 
Public classPropertyMeta Application Meta data about an extended video property. i.e. how to display and allow that property to be edited. ´Typically an application has a number of predefined aspects for meta data like ReadOnly, EditType to hint the applicaiton how to let the property be edited and presented.
Public classSceneQuery Scene query data
Public classSceneQueryResult Result from a scene query
Public classSharedRoots 
Public classSubtitle Subtitle. Use this with SetSubtitle to create or update a subtitle. If the ID is -1 a new subtitle is created.
Public classTag Tag used for videos, thumbnails and actors.
Public classTagInstance Identifies an istance of a Tag used on a videos, thumbnails and actors.
Public classThumbnailEntry Thubmnail data
Public classVideoClip VideoClip. Use this with SetVideoClip to create or update a video clip. If the ID is -1 a new video clip is created.
Public classVideoCompanionImage Video companion image data
Public classVideoFileEntry Video file data
Public classVideoGenre Video Genre data
Public classVideoPlaylist Playlist, the playlist also has a bunch of video clips.
Public classVideoQuery Video Query data. These are basically the entries you would enter in the search dialog in the program.
Public classVideoQueryProperties Video Query search result data To search for unrated videos i.e no stars set rating to -1
Public interfaceIVideoCatalogRestServiceThe rest API is accessable from web browser. And allow read access to the catalog.
Public interfaceIVideoCatalogService Implementation of the interface to the backing video catalog interface.
Public enumerationQueryType