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GlobalErrorHandler Class

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: VideoCatalogService
Assembly: VideoCatalogService (in VideoCatalogService.dll) Version: 9.0.9002.25764 (
public class GlobalErrorHandler : IErrorHandler

The GlobalErrorHandler type exposes the following members.

Public methodGlobalErrorHandler 
Public methodHandleError The method that's get invoked if any unhandled exception raised in service Here you can do what ever logic you would like to. For example logging the exception details Here the return value indicates that the exception was handled or not Return true to stop exception propagation and system considers that the exception was handled properly else return false to abort the session
Public methodProvideFault If you want to communicate the exception details to the service client as proper fault message here is the place to do it If we want to suppress the communication about the exception, set fault to null
See Also