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IVideoCatalogService Interface

Implementation of the interface to the backing video catalog interface.

Namespace: VideoCatalogService
Assembly: VideoCatalogService (in VideoCatalogService.dll) Version: 9.0.9002.25764 (
public interface IVideoCatalogService

The IVideoCatalogService type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddActorCompanionImageAdd a companion image to an actor.
Public methodAddActorTagSet a tag to an actor .
Public methodAddActorToDBAdd a new actor to the catalog.
Public methodAddActorToVideoAdd an actor to the cast of a video
Public methodAddCompanionImageAdd a companion images to a given video file id and return the companion image id.
Public methodAddCompanionImagesAdd companion images to a given video file id.
Public methodAddGetVideoThumbnailAdd a thubnail to a video in the catalog.
Public methodAddVideoAdd a new video to the catalog.
Public methodAddVideoThumbnailAdd a thubnail to a video in the catalog.
Public methodAddVideoToBinSet the bin a video is in.
Public methodArchiveVideoPut a video in an archive.
Public methodCreateActorTagCreate a new actor tag and return its tag id, -1 for none.
Public methodCreateArchiveMediaCreate a new archive media and return the handle to it
Public methodCreateBinCreate a new video collection.
Public methodCreateVideoPlaylistCreate a new video playlist
Public methodCreateVideoTagCreate a new video tag and return its tag id, -1 for none.
Public methodDeleteActordelete actor and remove it from the cast of all videos
Public methodDeleteActorTagDelete an actor tag provided it is not used by any actors.
Public methodDeleteArchiveDelete an archive and remove the tag from all archived videofiles
Public methodDeleteImageCompanionFileRemove all companion files with the given path from the catalog.
Public methodDeletePlaylistDelete a playlist from the catalog
Public methodDeleteThumbnailDelete a thumbnail from the catalog.
Public methodDeleteThumbTagFromCatalogDelete tag from all used and remove from catalog.
Public methodDeleteVideoClipDelete a video clip from the catalog. A clip is unique to a playlist and the same clip is never part of more than one playlist
Public methodDeleteVideoFileRemove all video files with the given path from the catalog.
Public methodDeleteVideoTagFromCatalogDelete tag from all used and remove from catalog.
Public methodGetActorGet an actor based on the actor id
Public methodGetActorCompanionImages Get companion images for a given actor.
Public methodGetActorPortraitGet portrait data for an actor.
Public methodGetActorsGet a collection of actors based on search filter, empty string to get all actors, if skip_image_data is set no portrait image is fetched. This is a simpified version of SearchActors.
Public methodGetActorsForVideoGet a collection of all actors for a given video id.
Public methodGetActorTagIDGet actor tag_id for a given tag text, -1 for none.
Public methodGetActorTagsGet all tags for a specific actor.
Public methodGetActorTagUseReturn the number of uses for a specific tag.
Public methodGetAllActorTagsGet a list of all actor tags.
Public methodGetAllBinsGet a list of all video keywords
Public methodGetAllCoverImagesGet all cover images in the catalog.
Public methodGetAllExtendedPropertyValuesReturn all extended property values for videos given a specific property
Public methodGetAllSubtitlesGet all subtitles for a video
Public methodGetAllTagNames get a list of all tags used
Public methodGetAllThumbnailTagsReturn a list of all used thumbnail tags.
Public methodGetAllVideoCompanionImagesGet all video companion images.
Public methodGetAllVideoPlaylistsGet all video playlists
Public methodGetAllVideoTagsGet a list of all video keywords
Public methodGetArchiveGet an archive given an archive handle
Public methodGetArchivesGet a list of all archives in catalog
Public methodGetArchivesForVideoGet a list of all archives where the video can be found. Then use GetArchive() to get more info on the archive.
Public methodGetBinQueryGet a smart query for a bin, null if this is no a smart bin.
Public methodGetBinsInBinGet a list of all collections in a collection
Public methodGetCast GetCast for videos
Public methodGetCompanionImageIDGet video companion image id for a given image file path.
Public methodGetCoverImagesForVideoGet cover image for a given video.
Public methodGetGenresGet a list of all genres in the catalog.
Public methodGetLastErrorReturn internal error info.
Public methodGetNofActorsReturn the number of actors in the catalog.
Public methodGetNofCompanionImagesReturn the number of companion images in the catalog.
Public methodGetNofVideosReturn the number of videos in the catalog.
Public methodGetPlaylistClipGet one video clip in a playlist given its order
Public methodGetPlaylistClipIDsGet all clip ids for a playlist
Public methodGetPropertyMetaGet all meta properties of a given property.
Public methodGetRandomVideoFileEntriesReturn x random videos. Obs The returned entries are not complete, they do not have SHA or IV.
Public methodGetSharedRootsGet roots that you will need access to for video, photos and actors. This is provided so you can ask the user to login
Public methodGetSubtitleGet a specific subtitle given an id
Public methodGetTagsForThumbs get a list of all tags used for a list of video thumbs
Public methodGetTagsForVideos get a list of all tags used for a list of videos
Public methodGetThumbnailGet thumbnail fata including image.
Public methodGetThumbnailExtendedPropertyReturn all extended properties for a thumbnail
Public methodGetThumbnailImageFromIDReturn a jpeg byte blob for the given thumb id.
Public methodGetThumbnailsForVideoGet a list of all thumbnails for a given video.
Public methodGetThumbnailsIDsForVideoGet a list of all thumbnails id for a given video.
Public methodGetThumbTagUseReturn the number of uses for a specific tag.
Public methodGetVideoClipGet a video clip
Public methodGetVideoCompanionImageGet a specific video companion image given its id.
Public methodGetVideoCompanionImagesGet all video companion images for a video.
Public methodGetVideoFileEntryReturn a video file entry given an id.
Public methodGetVideoFileExtendedPropertyReturn all extended properties for a video
Public methodGetVideoFileIDGet VideoFileID for a video path.
Public methodGetVideoFileIDForCompanionImageGet VideoFileID for a companion image path in the catalog.
Public methodGetVideoFileImageReturn a jpeg blob for the video image a video id.
Public methodGetVideosInBinGet a list of all videos in a collection. Will not return thumbnail data
Public methodGetVideoTagUseReturn the number of uses for a specific tag.
Public methodIsActorUsedIs the given actor used in any video
Public methodMergeVideoMerge source video id to destination id. The source will be removed and the test will have all thumbnails and keywords from the source
Public methodRemoveActorCompanionImageDelete a companion image from an actor.
Public methodRemoveActorFromVideoRemove an actor from the cast of a video
Public methodRemoveBinRemove a bin from the catalog. The caller is responsible for removing videos from the bin if there are any before the bin is removed.
Public methodRemoveImageFileRemove an image as companion and covers from a video.
Public methodRemovePlaylistClipRemove a playlist from the catalog
Public methodRemovePropertyMetaRemove the meta property and remove it from all videos
Public methodRemoveSubtitleRemove a subtitle from the catalog
Public methodRemoveSubtitlesFromVideoRemove all subtitles for a specific video
Public methodRemoveTagsFromThumbnailsRemove a tag from keywords given its tag instance id
Public methodRemoveTagsFromVideoRemove a tag from videos given its tag instance id
Public methodRemoveVideoByIDRemove a video from the catalog
Public methodRemoveVideoCompanionImageRemove companion image and delete file on server
Public methodRemoveVideoFromBinRemove a video from a bin. Note that a video can be in more than one bin.
Public methodRenameGenreRename a genre in the catalog.
Public methodSearchActorsSearch actors, if skip_image_data is set no portrait image is fetched.
Public methodSearchActorsFromStringSearch actors based on search terms matching any fields or keywords. If more terms are given all term need to match.
Public methodSearchSubtitlesFromStringSearch subtitle for the search string
Public methodSearchThumbnailsSearch for thumbnails having any of a matching keywords
Public methodSearchVideosSearch for videos in the catalog
Public methodSearchVideosFromStringSearch for videos given a search string
Public methodSetActorTagPropertyUpdate an actor tag property (Name, Color), this will change all its uses in the catalog
Public methodSetBinPropertySet a property of a bin
Public methodSetBinQuerySet query to a bin.
Public methodSetClipToPlaylistCreate a new video playlist
Public methodSetCompanionImagePathSet a new companion image path.
Public methodSetCoverImagesSet cover images for a video, -1 for no cover.
Public methodSetPropertyMetaSet a new meta property to the catalog. Meta properties can be used to add extended user definied properties to videos
Public methodSetSubtitleCreate or update a subtitles for a video
Public methodSetThumbnailExtendedPropertySet the value of a user defined property.
Public methodSetVideoClipCreate or Update a clip
Public methodSetVideoFileExtendedPropertySet the value of a user defined property.
Public methodSetVideoFileImageSet video file preview image
Public methodSetVideoGenreSet video genre to a new genre title that is already in the catalog
Public methodSetVideoPropertySet a video entry property. valid properties are: FilePath, Title, Link, Description, Rating
Public methodSetVideoTagPropertyUpdate a tag property (Name, Color, TagParentID), this will change all its uses in the catalog
Public methodTagActorAdd a keyword to an actor, if keyword is not used before it will be added to the catalog.
Public methodTagThumbsSet a comma separated tag list to a list of thumbnails.
Public methodTagVideoSet a comma separated tag list to a video.
Public methodUpdateActorUpdate properties on a current actor.
Public methodUpdateArchiveMediaUpdate a current archive media
Public methodUpdateCompanionImagePathChange a companion image path, will affect all companion images with the source path. Note that this will not change the actual resource. i.e. the companíon image file will not be moved.
Public methodUpdateVideoFilePathChange a VideoFile path.
See Also