| Name | Description |
| AddActorCompanionImage | Add a companion image to an actor. |
| AddActorTag | Set a tag to an actor . |
| AddActorToDB | Add a new actor to the catalog. |
| AddActorToVideo | Add an actor to the cast of a video |
| AddCompanionImage | Add a companion images to a given video file id and return the companion image id. |
| AddCompanionImages | Add companion images to a given video file id. |
| AddGetVideoThumbnail | Add a thubnail to a video in the catalog. |
| AddVideo | Add a new video to the catalog. |
| AddVideoThumbnail | Add a thubnail to a video in the catalog. |
| AddVideoToBin | Set the bin a video is in. |
| ArchiveVideo | Put a video in an archive. |
| CreateActorTag | Create a new actor tag and return its tag id, -1 for none. |
| CreateArchiveMedia | Create a new archive media and return the handle to it |
| CreateBin | Create a new video collection. |
| CreateVideoPlaylist | Create a new video playlist |
| CreateVideoTag | Create a new video tag and return its tag id, -1 for none. |
| DeleteActor | delete actor and remove it from the cast of all videos |
| DeleteActorTag | Delete an actor tag provided it is not used by any actors. |
| DeleteArchive | Delete an archive and remove the tag from all archived videofiles |
| DeleteImageCompanionFile | Remove all companion files with the given path from the catalog. |
| DeletePlaylist | Delete a playlist from the catalog |
| DeleteThumbnail | Delete a thumbnail from the catalog. |
| DeleteThumbTagFromCatalog | Delete tag from all used and remove from catalog. |
| DeleteVideoClip | Delete a video clip from the catalog. A clip is unique to a playlist and the same clip is never part of more than one playlist |
| DeleteVideoFile | Remove all video files with the given path from the catalog. |
| DeleteVideoTagFromCatalog | Delete tag from all used and remove from catalog. |
| GetActor | Get an actor based on the actor id |
| GetActorCompanionImages | Get companion images for a given actor. |
| GetActorPortrait | Get portrait data for an actor. |
| GetActors | Get a collection of actors based on search filter, empty string to get all actors, if skip_image_data is set no portrait image is fetched.
This is a simpified version of SearchActors.
| GetActorsForVideo | Get a collection of all actors for a given video id. |
| GetActorTagID | Get actor tag_id for a given tag text, -1 for none. |
| GetActorTags | Get all tags for a specific actor. |
| GetActorTagUse | Return the number of uses for a specific tag. |
| GetAllActorTags | Get a list of all actor tags. |
| GetAllBins | Get a list of all video keywords |
| GetAllCoverImages | Get all cover images in the catalog. |
| GetAllExtendedPropertyValues | Return all extended property values for videos given a specific property |
| GetAllSubtitles | Get all subtitles for a video |
| GetAllTagNames | get a list of all tags used |
| GetAllThumbnailTags | Return a list of all used thumbnail tags. |
| GetAllVideoCompanionImages | Get all video companion images. |
| GetAllVideoPlaylists | Get all video playlists |
| GetAllVideoTags | Get a list of all video keywords |
| GetArchive | Get an archive given an archive handle |
| GetArchives | Get a list of all archives in catalog |
| GetArchivesForVideo | Get a list of all archives where the video can be found.
Then use GetArchive() to get more info on the archive. |
| GetBinQuery | Get a smart query for a bin, null if this is no a smart bin. |
| GetBinsInBin | Get a list of all collections in a collection |
| GetCast | GetCast for videos |
| GetCompanionImageID | Get video companion image id for a given image file path. |
| GetCoverImagesForVideo | Get cover image for a given video. |
| GetGenres | Get a list of all genres in the catalog. |
| GetLastError | Return internal error info. |
| GetNofActors | Return the number of actors in the catalog. |
| GetNofCompanionImages | Return the number of companion images in the catalog. |
| GetNofVideos | Return the number of videos in the catalog. |
| GetPlaylistClip | Get one video clip in a playlist given its order |
| GetPlaylistClipIDs | Get all clip ids for a playlist |
| GetPropertyMeta | Get all meta properties of a given property. |
| GetRandomVideoFileEntries | Return x random videos. Obs The returned entries are not complete, they do not have SHA or IV. |
| GetSharedRoots | Get roots that you will need access to for video, photos and actors. This is provided so you can ask the user to login |
| GetSubtitle | Get a specific subtitle given an id |
| GetTagsForThumbs | get a list of all tags used for a list of video thumbs |
| GetTagsForVideos | get a list of all tags used for a list of videos |
| GetThumbnail | Get thumbnail fata including image. |
| GetThumbnailExtendedProperty | Return all extended properties for a thumbnail |
| GetThumbnailImageFromID | Return a jpeg byte blob for the given thumb id. |
| GetThumbnailsForVideo | Get a list of all thumbnails for a given video. |
| GetThumbnailsIDsForVideo | Get a list of all thumbnails id for a given video. |
| GetThumbTagUse | Return the number of uses for a specific tag. |
| GetVideoClip | Get a video clip |
| GetVideoCompanionImage | Get a specific video companion image given its id. |
| GetVideoCompanionImages | Get all video companion images for a video. |
| GetVideoFileEntry | Return a video file entry given an id. |
| GetVideoFileExtendedProperty | Return all extended properties for a video |
| GetVideoFileID | Get VideoFileID for a video path. |
| GetVideoFileIDForCompanionImage | Get VideoFileID for a companion image path in the catalog. |
| GetVideoFileImage | Return a jpeg blob for the video image a video id. |
| GetVideosInBin | Get a list of all videos in a collection. Will not return thumbnail data |
| GetVideoTagUse | Return the number of uses for a specific tag. |
| IsActorUsed | Is the given actor used in any video |
| MergeVideo | Merge source video id to destination id. The source will be removed and the test will have all thumbnails and keywords from the source |
| RemoveActorCompanionImage | Delete a companion image from an actor. |
| RemoveActorFromVideo | Remove an actor from the cast of a video |
| RemoveBin | Remove a bin from the catalog. The caller is responsible for removing videos from the bin if there are any before the bin is removed.
| RemoveImageFile | Remove an image as companion and covers from a video. |
| RemovePlaylistClip | Remove a playlist from the catalog |
| RemovePropertyMeta | Remove the meta property and remove it from all videos |
| RemoveSubtitle | Remove a subtitle from the catalog |
| RemoveSubtitlesFromVideo | Remove all subtitles for a specific video |
| RemoveTagsFromThumbnails | Remove a tag from keywords given its tag instance id |
| RemoveTagsFromVideo | Remove a tag from videos given its tag instance id |
| RemoveVideoByID | Remove a video from the catalog |
| RemoveVideoCompanionImage | Remove companion image and delete file on server |
| RemoveVideoFromBin | Remove a video from a bin. Note that a video can be in more than one bin. |
| RenameGenre | Rename a genre in the catalog. |
| SearchActors | Search actors, if skip_image_data is set no portrait image is fetched. |
| SearchActorsFromString | Search actors based on search terms matching any fields or keywords. If more terms are given all term need to match. |
| SearchSubtitlesFromString | Search subtitle for the search string |
| SearchThumbnails | Search for thumbnails having any of a matching keywords |
| SearchVideos | Search for videos in the catalog |
| SearchVideosFromString | Search for videos given a search string |
| SetActorTagProperty | Update an actor tag property (Name, Color), this will change all its uses in the catalog |
| SetBinProperty | Set a property of a bin |
| SetBinQuery | Set query to a bin. |
| SetClipToPlaylist | Create a new video playlist |
| SetCompanionImagePath | Set a new companion image path. |
| SetCoverImages | Set cover images for a video, -1 for no cover. |
| SetPropertyMeta | Set a new meta property to the catalog. Meta properties can be used to add extended user definied properties to videos |
| SetSubtitle | Create or update a subtitles for a video |
| SetThumbnailExtendedProperty | Set the value of a user defined property. |
| SetVideoClip | Create or Update a clip |
| SetVideoFileExtendedProperty | Set the value of a user defined property. |
| SetVideoFileImage | Set video file preview image |
| SetVideoGenre | Set video genre to a new genre title that is already in the catalog |
| SetVideoProperty | Set a video entry property.
valid properties are:
FilePath, Title, Link, Description, Rating |
| SetVideoTagProperty | Update a tag property (Name, Color, TagParentID), this will change all its uses in the catalog |
| TagActor | Add a keyword to an actor, if keyword is not used before it will be added to the catalog. |
| TagThumbs | Set a comma separated tag list to a list of thumbnails. |
| TagVideo | Set a comma separated tag list to a video. |
| UpdateActor | Update properties on a current actor. |
| UpdateArchiveMedia | Update a current archive media |
| UpdateCompanionImagePath | Change a companion image path, will affect all companion images with the source path. Note that this will not change the actual resource. i.e. the companíon image file will not be moved. |
| UpdateVideoFilePath | Change a VideoFile path. |