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IVideoCatalogServiceAddVideo Method

Add a new video to the catalog.

Namespace: VideoCatalogService
Assembly: VideoCatalogService (in VideoCatalogService.dll) Version: 9.0.9002.25764 (
long AddVideo(
	string path,
	string title,
	double video_length,
	string description,
	int genre,
	int rating,
	string link,
	byte[] preview,
	long file_size,
	string encrypted,
	byte[] IV


path  String
Path to the video file
title  String
Title of the video
video_length  Double
Lenght in seconds
description  String
Description for the video
genre  Int32
Genre, 0 based index
rating  Int32
0-5 Rating of the video
link  String
Url for the video
preview  Byte
jpeg data for the preview image
file_size  Int64
Size of the file
encrypted  String
original filename only used for encrypted videos.
IV  Byte
IV for´the encrypted file or null

Return Value

Video id
See Also