Click or drag to resize


Show how to use ffmpeg on the command line to concat videos in a playlist.

This sample assumes ffmpeg is installed on your computer at the hardcoded path used in the sample.

The sample takes the selected playlists and all its videos and checks if they are in compatible formats i.e. same codecs and size.

The check is done through extended properties so this assumes the videos was indexed with the option to add extra video data enabled (default). This might not be the case for videos indexed with old version of fast video indexer or if you have turned this option off.

Then we create a txt file to be used for listing the videos to be combined.

Finally we call ffmpeg on the command line to get the concatenated video.

This way of combining videos, as said before, requires the videos to be of the same format as it does not reencode the videos.

Because of this we do not loose quality doing this as would be the case if we re-encoded the videos.

#region samples_concat_playlist

using VideoCataloger;
using System.IO;
using System;
using VideoCataloger.RemoteCatalogService;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class ConcatPlaylist
    static public string GetFFMPEGPath()
        string tool_path = "c:\\ffmpeg\\bin\\ffmpeg.exe";
        if (!File.Exists(tool_path))
            System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(tool_path, "ffmpeg missing");
            return null;
        return tool_path;

    static public string GetTempFolder()
        string temp_folder = "c:\\tmp\\"; // needs to exist, to temporary store clips before combining them again
        if (!Directory.Exists(temp_folder))
            System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(temp_folder, "Need a temporary folder to create videos in");
            return null;

        return temp_folder;

    IScripting m_scripting = null;
    List<string> m_FilesToDelete;

    /// <summary>
    ///  Class constructor, extract the selected data from the interface and store in class members.
    /// </summary>
    public ConcatPlaylist(IScripting scripting)
        m_scripting = scripting;
        m_FilesToDelete = new List<string>();

        foreach (string path in m_FilesToDelete)

    private void SaveClip(string path, double start, double end, string out_path)
        // need to fix so this is not whole seconds...
        DateTime start_time = DateTime.SpecifyKind( new DateTime(1990, 1, 1,  0, 0, 0), DateTimeKind.Unspecified);
        start_time = start_time.AddMilliseconds(start*1000);

        double duration = end - start;
        DateTime duration_time = DateTime.SpecifyKind( new DateTime(1990, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,0,0 ), DateTimeKind.Unspecified);
        duration_time = duration_time.AddMilliseconds(duration * 1000);

        string cmd_line = " -i " + path + " -ss " + string.Format("{0:HH:mm:ss.f}", start_time ) + " -t " + string.Format("{0:HH:mm:ss.f}", duration_time) + " " + out_path;


        RunFFMPEG( cmd_line );

    private void RunFFMPEG( string arguments )
        string ffmpeg = GetFFMPEGPath();
        System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
        System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo();
        startInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe";
        startInfo.Arguments = "/C " + ffmpeg + " " + arguments; // use /K instead of /C to keep the cmd window up
        process.StartInfo = startInfo;

    private void PlayVideo( string out_file )
        System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo()
            FileName = out_file,
            UseShellExecute = true,
            Verb = "open"

    /// <summary>
    /// Call the cmd line tool. The sample just use -i that goes on the file extensions.
    /// Use the conversion_parameters for more advanced conversions.
    /// </summary>
    public void Concat( string out_file, string conversion_parameters )
        string tool_path = GetFFMPEGPath();
        string tmp_file_path = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName();

        var stream_writer = System.IO.File.CreateText(tmp_file_path);
        if (stream_writer == null)
            System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(tool_path, "Failed to write temporary text file");

        ISelection selection = m_scripting.GetSelection();
        IUtilities utilities = m_scripting.GetUtilities();
        var catalog = m_scripting.GetVideoCatalogService();
        string extension = null;
        string video_format = null;
        string video_width = null;
        string video_height = null;
        string audio_format = null;
        var playlist = selection.GetSelectedPlaylist();
        int[] all_clip_ids = catalog.GetPlaylistClipIDs(playlist.ID);

        int part = 1;
        bool can_do_pure_concat = true;
        foreach (int clip_id in all_clip_ids)
            var clip = catalog.GetVideoClip( clip_id );
            var video_entry = catalog.GetVideoFileEntry(clip.VideoFileID);
            string video_path = utilities.ConvertToLocalPath(video_entry.FilePath);

            var extended = catalog.GetVideoFileExtendedProperty((int)clip.VideoFileID);
            foreach (var prop in extended )
                if (prop.Property == "video_Format")
                    if (video_format == null)
                        video_format = prop.Value;
                        m_scripting.GetConsole().WriteLine( video_path + " - Video format is "  + video_format );
                    else if (video_format != prop.Value)
                        string msg = "Aborting. All videos must be in the same video format.\n'";
                        msg += video_path + "' is in " + prop.Value + "\n";
                        msg += " previous was in " + video_format + "\n";
                        m_scripting.GetConsole().WriteLine( msg);
                        can_do_pure_concat = false;
                else if (prop.Property == "video_Width")
                    if (video_width == null)
                        video_width = prop.Value;
                        m_scripting.GetConsole().WriteLine(video_path + " - Video width is " + video_width);
                    else if (video_width != prop.Value)
                        string msg = "Aborting. All videos must be in the same dimension.\n'";
                        msg += video_path + "' width is " + prop.Value + "\n";
                        msg += " previous was in " + video_width + "\n";
                        can_do_pure_concat = false;
                if (prop.Property == "video_Height")
                    if (video_height == null)
                        video_height = prop.Value;
                        m_scripting.GetConsole().WriteLine(video_path + " - Video height is " + video_height);
                    else if (video_height != prop.Value)
                        string msg = "Aborting. All videos must be in the same dimension.\n'";
                        msg += video_path + "' height is " + prop.Value + "\n";
                        msg += " previous was in " + video_height + "\n";
                        can_do_pure_concat = false;
                if (prop.Property == "audio_Format")
                    if (audio_format == null)
                        audio_format = prop.Value;
                        m_scripting.GetConsole().WriteLine(video_path + " - Audio format is " + audio_format);
                    else if (audio_format != prop.Value)
                        string msg = "Aborting. All videos must be in the same audio format.\n";
                        msg += video_path + "is in " + prop.Value + "\n";
                        msg += " previous was in " + audio_format + "\n";
                        can_do_pure_concat = false;

            if (extension == null)
                int extension_start = video_path.LastIndexOf(".");
                extension = video_path.Substring(extension_start);

            if (can_do_pure_concat)
                string out_path = GetTempFolder() + "clip_" + part + extension;
                part = part + 1;
                SaveClip(video_path, clip.StartTime, clip.EndTime, out_path);

                stream_writer.Write("file '" + out_path + "'");
                selection.SetSelectedPlaylistClip(clip_id); // select the offending clip
                // if we can not do a pure concat we abort here. To continue we would need to re-encode the file and that 
                // takes a bit more care and user intervention

        if (out_file == null)
            Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog dlg = new Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog();
            dlg.FileName = "concat" + extension;
            dlg.DefaultExt = extension;
            dlg.Filter = "All files|*.*";
            Nullable<bool> result = dlg.ShowDialog();
            if (result == false)
            out_file = dlg.FileName;

        RunFFMPEG("-f concat - safe 0 - i " + tmp_file_path + conversion_parameters + " - c copy \"" + out_file + "\"");


/// <summary>
///  This sample shows a dialog with buttons where the user can call a window cmd line.
/// to download ffmpeg.exe
/// </summary>
public class Script
    /// <summary>
    ///  This is the entry function called by fvc.
    /// </summary>
    static public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Run(IScripting scripting, string argument)
        ISelection selection = scripting.GetSelection();
        var playlist = selection.GetSelectedPlaylist();
        if (playlist == null)
            scripting.GetConsole().WriteLine("Select a playlist");

        if (ConcatPlaylist.GetFFMPEGPath() == null)

        if (ConcatPlaylist.GetTempFolder() == null)

        ConcatPlaylist merger = new ConcatPlaylist(scripting);
        merger.Concat(null, null);

See Also

Other Resources
