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IVideoCatalogRestService Methods

The IVideoCatalogRestService type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetActorGet actor data given its id
Public methodGetActorCompanionImagesGet Companion images for an actor
Public methodGetActorPortraitGet actor portrait for an actor
Public methodGetActorsGet Actors based on search
Public methodGetActorsForVideoGet cast for a specific video
Public methodGetActorTagIDGet tagsid given the tag text
Public methodGetActorTagsGet tags used for a specific actor
Public methodGetAllActorTagsGet tags used for actors
Public methodGetAllTagNamesGet all tag names used
Public methodGetAllThumbnailTagsGet all thumbnail tags used in a catalog
Public methodGetAllVideosGet all videos in the catalog
Public methodGetAllVideoTagsGet all tags used in the catalog
Public methodGetCastGet Cast for a video
Public methodGetCoverImagesForVideoGet cover images for a video
Public methodGetGenresGet all genres
Public methodGetNofActorsReturn the number of actors in the catalog.
Public methodGetNofCompanionImagesReturn the number of comapnion images in the catalog.
Public methodGetNofVideosReturn the number of videos in the catalog.
Public methodGetTagsForThumbGet tags for a thumb
Public methodGetThumbnailGet a thumbnail data given its id
Public methodGetThumbnailImageFromIDGet thumbnail image given an id
Public methodGetThumbnailsIDsForVideoGet ids of thumbnails for a specific video
Public methodGetVideoCompanionImagesGet video companionimages
Public methodGetVideoFileEntryGet data for a video given a video id
Public methodGetVideoFileImageGet thumbnail image for a video
Public methodGetVideoThumbnailGet a thumbnail given its id
Public methodSearchThumbnailsSearch thumbnails given a video keyword and thumbnail keyword
Public methodSearchVideosSearch videos given a keyword
See Also