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IVideoIndexer Methods

The IVideoIndexer type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddFolder Scan a folder of videos in the queue to be indexed.
Public methodAddVideoFile Add a video file in the queue to be indexed.
Public methodCaptureSingleFrame Capture an a frame at the provided time. This function will queue a capture of a given frame if a capture is in progress. If no capture is in progress it will queue the request and start working on the queue.
Public methodCaptureSingleFrameToFile Capture an a frame at the provided time to a jpeg file. This function will queue a capture of a given frame if a capture is in progress.
Public methodSetIndexingCallbacks Set callback interface implementation
Public methodSetTranscription Set transcription from an srt file. If there already is a transcription for the video it will be replaced.
Public methodStartIndexing Start processing the index queue.
See Also