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VideoCataloger Namespace

This namesspaces has the structs for working with the video catalog.
Public interfaceIConsole Console interface. This is the interface for scripts. Use this interface to run new scripts or to print output from scripts to the console window.
Public interfaceIGUI Program user interface. This is the interface for scripts. Use this interface to refresh the user interface after updating the catalog
Public interfaceIScripting Root of script interface to FVC. An object that implements this interface is passed to the run function.
Public interfaceISelection Current selection in the application.
Public interfaceIUtilities Exposed utilities in fast video cataloger
Public interfaceIVideoIndexer VideoIndexer interface. Use this interface to queue index requests
Public interfaceIVideoIndexerCallbacks VideoIndexer interface. Use this interface to control indexing.
Public interfaceIVideoPlayer Interface to control the video player.