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IVideoPlayer Methods

The IVideoPlayer type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetPlaybackRate Get the current playback speed. 1.0 is normal playback speed.
Public methodGetPlayPosition Get the current play position in seconds
Public methodGetSelectedVideoID Get the video catalog id of the video currently selected in the player.
Public methodGetSelectedVideoPath Get the path of the video currently selected in the player.
Public methodIsFullscreen Is the video in fullscreen mode?
Public methodIsVideoPaused Return true if the video is paused
Public methodIsVideoPlaying Return true if the video is playing
Public methodIsVideoStopped Return true if the video is stopped
Public methodPauseMovie Toggle Pause of video
Public methodPauseNoToggleMovie Pause movie but do not start it if it is already paused
Public methodPlayFromTimeMS Start playing from the provided time from the start
Public methodPlayMovie Play video
Public methodSeek Seek to a time in the video
Public methodSetPlaybackRate Set the speed factor of video playback, 1.0 is normal speed. Note that speed is not supported in all video formats.
Public methodSetSelectedVideo Set the selected video in the video player. Encrypted parameters are only needed for encrypted videos.
Public methodStopMovie Stop the video
Public methodUnPauseMovie Resume playing from pause
See Also