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VideoQuery Properties

The VideoQuery type exposes the following members.

Public propertyExcludeKeywords exclude these specific keywords, if empty exclude none
Public propertyIncludeActors include these actor ids, if empty include all
Public propertyIncludeArchives include these archive ids, if empty include all
Public propertyIncludeKeywords include these keyords only, if empty include all
Public propertyIncludeSubtitle include transcript matching these words
Public propertyIsIncludeCategoriesAND How do we join the different queries [Keyword] AND [Property], [Keyword] OR [Property]
Public propertyIsIncludeExtendedPropertiesAND default we select anything that match any of the extended properties, is this is set we match all the keywords
Public propertyIsIncludeKeywordsAND default we select anything that match any of the keywords, is this is set we match all the keywords
Public propertyProperties Video properties to match
See Also